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On My Way Retreat

“Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road…” - Lk 24: 32

Just as Jesus touched the lives of so many, he desires to walk alongside you on your journey. Jesus reminded the woman at the well that our Abba, Father, is looking for you! Jesus deeply desires for you to truly encounter the love of our Father and be healed in spirit, soul, and body. Join us on a weekend dedicated to ‘resetting’ our Hearts to His.

The retreat will take place in Epiphany Church and in our Parish Hall, on Friday night October 21st from 7pm-9pm, and Saturday October 22nd from 9am until 4pm. Coffee, snacks, breakfast foods and lunch will be provided. A donation of $50 is requested. You can sign up for the retreat at the Welcome desk.

Retreat leaders

Enrique Gabriel is passionate about growing in Christ and helping others do the same by discovering who God created them to be. With more than a decade in parish ministry, Enrique greatly enjoys engaging new and old generations with the light of Christ through music, stories, and healing prayer. His desire is for everyone to connect with the heartbeat of the Father and the rhythm of heaven. Enrique is a member of our Epiphany parish. He oversees our Adoration and Worship nights, and contributes his musical gifts at our 7:30pm Mass.

Lisa Howard is passionate about healing prayer and her desire is to see people delivered and healed, spirit, soul and body. Lisa has been in full time ministry for 20+ years. She has helped train and disciple many prayer teams and also serves as a spiritual coach and mentor to women. Lisa is a graduate of Wagner University, ands lives in Florida.

Cheryl Williams is passionate about LOVE, LIFE, and TRUTH. She takes great delight in seeing other believers’ hearts open anew to Christ’s love for us. She loves sharing His desire for Life to be lived in the Fullness and Truth of our identity in Christ. This passion spills over when she preaches, teaches, and prays in the power of the Holy Spirit. Cheryl lives and works in Florida, and has led dozens of retreats in churches, especially on the East Coast.

September 28

Lectio Divina

October 30

Halloweenie On ThePlaza