Our Mission

Young adults at Epiphany are professionals, college students, people of all backgrounds, races, genders and sexual orientation. We are native New Yorkers and we are newcomers to the city. We are all of us looking for community, a deeper faith, and a sense of who we are meant to be in the world. We are exploring our identity as Christians, Catholics, and followers of Jesus, the Christ.

The GOALS of our Young Adults Ministry at Epiphany are:

  • To provide young adults with a vibrant worship community of prayer and beautiful music

  • To connect young adults to the Church and one another through meaningful fellowship and fun, as well as service and social justice and opportunities.

  • To help young adults form a Christian conscience, and recognize their role in the mission of the Church.

  • To bring young adults into a more intimate relationship with Jesus, the Christ through spiritual formation/direction, religious education/formation, and vocational discernment

  • To develop leadership skills among our young adults, empowering them to be the face of love and the Word of God to other communities of which they are a part.